We believe that work with people at the grassroots level for most pressing issues must hold individuals and institutions, including ourselves, accountable to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also believe that working with people at the grassroots level is not an end in itself but rather a means of achieving progress toward the SDGs. We do this because this entails constant echo and evaluation of our results, including listening to grassroots people from all walks of life, and meaningful dialogue with a diverse community.
We strive to do our work in diverse ways as an organization and as individuals working for RYWO. As individuals, we hold ourselves accountable to a code of conduct that requires us to take SDGs seriously in our daily lives. We put these beliefs in our practice and practice in policies and procedures as well.
RYWO is committed to the progress of SDGs because there is nothing like SDGs that focus on the world’s most pressing challenges. If we do together, we can make it happen.